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Musée de l'Absinthe
Auvers-sur-Oise (Environs de Paris)

Absinthe, Fruit défenduInteresting history of the original absinthe translated from French

Characteristics of WormwoodYou may have to click translate as this is from a French site.

Cuisiner á la suisse Frog thighs flambe with wormwood...mmm

See Modern Teqhnique for Steeped Absinthe

The Vaults of Erowid *Absinthe A Plethora of invaluable resources with Absinthe FAQ's, Images, Laws and Chemistry that would take forever to discover without the help of Erowid!

Molecular Structure of ThujoneThujone is a widely occurring natural product found in the essential oils of wormwood or two Artemisia species, Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia pontica.

Absinthe info: "the green hour"The "green hour" became a daily event at many Parisian clubs and cafes, and was immortalized in paintings such as Edward Manet's, The Absinthe Drinker (l859), L'Absinthe(l876), by Edgar Degas, and by Picasso in his (l901) Absinthe Drinker. Still more artists not only depicted the concoction, but wrote about it, and were to varying degrees dedicated to it, or held in it's thrall; the likes of Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Appolinaire, and the surrealist playwright Alfred Jarry, who used it to provide himself with a reliable source of irrational, if not outright hallucinogenic images.

Specifics on the legal stuffIt is completely legal for you to produce liqueurs using the processes of infusion and blending, but illegal to involve or use the process of distillation without proper permits and licenses.

Peintures de Richard Méric The art of a genius!This guy is a friend of my husband's, he's a very interesting man who lives in the south of France who spent 10 years in India then came back to live in a cave and paint. I don't know where he is now but obviously alive and wellwith access to the internet. His work is very spiritual and I believe he will go down as one of the masters.